German and French at Abbotsleigh – creating reciprocal linguistic exchange opportunities
After being on hold for three years, mid-2023 our partnership with our sister schools in France and Germany resumed and two Year 11 Abbotsleigh German students (Jasmine and Lucy) were delighted to be able to host a German student in Term 3 and experience life in Germany for eight weeks during the recent summer school break, 2023-2024.
This life experience allowed Jasmine and Lucy to get out of their comfort zone, use their German skills and also learn invaluable life lessons as they discovered and experienced another way of life at the German school they attended as well as with their German host families.
On the French front, Zoe joined the Australia-New Zealand youth delegation to Geneva in January 2024 to attend FerMUN, the United Nations conference for high school students.

She was also hosted by a French family and her French exposure both in the family, at the conference and while sightseeing, provided her with a wonderful educational and life experience.
Our three Abbotsleigh language students did us proud as they represented Abbotsleigh and Australia overseas and we are very proud of their commitment to their French and German study.