
Supporting our scholarships

Each year the Foundation supports means-tested scholarships for students. These scholarships provide an opportunity to girls who, without this scholarship, would not be able to attend Abbotsleigh.

In 2023, the Foundation funded 36 scholarships. A gift to the Scholarship Funds is tax deductible and contributes to giving a girl an education she may not have otherwise experienced. Your gift will be applied to support a means-tested scholarship. To make a donation, please click here


Indigenous scholarships

A gift to Indigenous Scholarships is tax deductible. Indigenous Australians are the most educationally disadvantaged group in Australia. Abbotsleigh is currently educating fourteen Indigenous scholars, and we are proud of our commitment to making a difference. Indigenous Scholarships are supported by the School, the Abbotsleigh Foundation Scholarship Fund, the Yalari organisation and Abbstudy.

From the beginning of year 7, I felt nothing short of blessed to be able to receive an education as phenomenal as the one I received from Abbotsleigh, it is not every girl who gets an opportunity like the one I received, and my experience was nothing short of exceptional. Abbotlseigh allowed me to develop my passions and explore my love for community and helping those around me. This has fostered my tertiary studies of Medicine at the University of New South Wales which I attribute to the scholarship pathway and the opportunity I was given.”  Olivia Oakeshott, Class of 2023

Olivia is currently studying Medicine at the University of New South Wales


Kathleen McCredie Scholarship

A gift to the Kathleen McCredie Scholarship is tax deductible. This scholarship was initiated through a generous gift from the Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union and honours the dynamic and positive influence of Miss McCredie during her time as Headmistress (1970-1987). The Kathleen McCredie Scholarship is means-tested and supports full tuition from Year 10 to Year 12.

“Abbotsleigh has provided me with an outstanding education and I feel incredibly grateful to have received the Kathleen McCredie Scholarship.  The opportunities that this Scholarship gave me were fantastic, I especially enjoyed discovering my passion for music through choir, vocal and piano lessons, as well as participating in a number of sports such as netball, soccer and AFL.  This experience of a rich and well rounded education, I know, will put me in great stead for my future beyond school. For this I would like to thank the donors, as well as my wonderful teachers, and the Abbotsleigh boarding community for their endless support.” – Ava Buffier, Class of 2023

Ava is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts (Music) and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) at the University of Sydney, where she is a resident at The Women’s College.



Molly and Nancy Douglas Scholarship

Both Mollie and Nancy Douglas thought of Abbotsleigh as their family and were very involved in the School throughout their lives.  Their Gift in Will has been invested so that the Mollie and Douglas Scholarship will always be part of our school history. The scholarship was first awarded in 2016, and is a needs based academic scholarship offered biannually which provides up to 100% of tuition fees, for a student for their entire high school education.  The Foundation is currently supporting three Mollie and Nancy Douglas Scholars.

“Throughout the six years I spent at Abbotsleigh, I was provided with countless opportunities, from music to sport to academics, that I wouldn’t have had if I had not been provided the Molly and Nancy Douglas Scholarship. The support that I had from the teachers meant I had a great environment to learn and grow. I discovered new passions, met some of my closest friends, and my Abbotsleigh education set me up for a wonderful university experience. To be a scholarship recipient was an incredible privilege and I hope that others will be able to have the same opportunities that I received.”  – Kotoko Takehara, Class of 2023

Kotoko is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies, majoring in Criminology and International Relations.

Betty Archdale Scholarship

Betty Archdale was Headmistress of Abbotsleigh 1958-70.  Her ideas were unconventional and ahead of her time and her passion for change was infectious.  This means tested academic scholarship currently supports six students and provides full tuition fees for each recipient for their entire high school education.

“I am very honoured to have received the Betty Archdale Scholarship which enabled me to attend Abbotsleigh as a boarder throughout my high school years. My time at Abbotsleigh holds some of my fondest memories and helped me to develop a positive attitude and strong work ethic which have been crucial in my first few months out of school. Through receiving my scholarship, I was able to push myself academically in pursuit of my interests in business and economics, in addition to participating in a variety of different sports that were not accessible in my hometown.  I am very grateful to have received this scholarship and hope that future girls receive the same benefit and opportunities that I received.”  – Hollie Copeland, Class of 2023

Hollie is on a gap year, working on an agricultural property in central QLD and plans to study a Bachelor of Business and Commerce.

Other Foundation funded scholarships:

Foundation Scholarships:  Means-tested. In 2023, The Foundation supported six girls for their last 3 years of senior school (Year 10 to Year 12) by providing half their tuition fees.

Royal Scholarships:  In 2023, the Foundation supported four students. The scholarship is available to current students for girls displaying all round participation and service in the senior school

Everet Scholarships:   In 2023, the Foundation supported two students providing 50% of their year 10 tuition fees.  This scholarship is available to current students for girls displaying all round participation and service in the senior school.