Abbotsleigh Old Girls' Union
The Abbotsleigh Old Girls’ Union (AOGU) was founded in 1908, by the School’s first Headmistress, Miss Marian Clarke. The AOGU aims to maintain and pass down the traditions of the School, unite past students of the School with the present and keep past Abbotsleigh girls connected with each other.

AOGU membership and constitution
The objectives of the Union are to maintain and hand on tradition of the School and to promote its interests; unite past members of the School with the present and keep past members of the School together and promote their interests.
Life membership is available to anyone who has completed at least four terms of schooling at Abbotsleigh.

AOGU representatives
The AOGU Committee is a volunteer committee of Old Girls. All Old Girls are eligible to be nominated as a member of the General Committee with appointments taking place annually at the AGM. The term of service is one year with unlimited eligibility for reappointment. Office bearers are also appointed annually at the AGM.