Global perspective
One way of helping students to develop a dynamic world view is to build meaningful connections with people in other countries. This can be done through student exchanges with our sister schools and another is through our organised language immersion trips. Service Learning is important at Abbotsleigh and as well as special interest trips to venues as exciting as NASA in the US, our girls undertake projects to help others, both in Australia and overseas.

Sister school relationships
Each year many students apply for the very popular opportunity to go on exchange overseas. Most exchanges are for about six weeks. During their time away, the girls experience a different culture and academic environment, while also honing their foreign language skills.
Additionally, they ultimately learn more about their own country by hosting the student with whom the exchange had been organised.
Our sister schools around the world
Canada – Ridley College (Year 10) | China – Beijing Yu Cai School (Year 6 plus some secondary) |
England – Moreton Hall (Year 9 boarders) | France – École Alsacienne and Sainte Croix de Neuilly, Paris (Year 10) |
Germany – Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium (Year 10) | New Zealand – Nga Tawa Diocesan School (Year 9 boarders) |
Nowra Anglican School (Year 8) | South Africa – Diocesan School for Girls, Grahamstown (Year 10) |
United States – Palmer Trinity (Year 10) | Argentina – St George’s College Buenos Aires (Year 9) |
Canada – Collingwood School Vancouver (Year 9) | Canada – Queen Margaret’s School, Vancouver Island (Year 9) |
England – St Joseph’s College, Suffolk (Year 9 and 10) | England – Queenswood School, Hertfordshire (Year 9) |

Language immersion trips
Language immersion trips, where students stay with homestay families, attend school and participate in cultural activities include tours to:
Germany (every two years, Years 8, 9 and 10 German classes)
New Caledonia or France (every two years, Years 8, 9 and 10 French classes)
China (every two years, Years 8, 9 and 10 Mandarin classes)
Special interest trips

The first exciting trip to NASA was in 2015 and was part of the HASSE Junior Space School Program for Years 7 and 8. Experiences on this trip opened up a new world of STEM-related career possibilities to our girls.

Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef
Regularly, a group of Year 10 and 11 Biology and Earth and Environmental Studies students join researchers from Australian universities to study coral reef history, structure and ecology.

Music Tours
Every few years, a group of music students tours Europe and performs orchestral and choral works in landmark musical centres in Vienna and London.