Junior School activities
In Junior School, a wide variety of co-curricular activities is available. At Abbotsleigh, these are typically enrichment-focused, providing opportunities for girls to learn or further develop skills and interests, examples of which include Kids’ Lit Quiz, da Vinci Decathlon, photography, Latin and environment. These complement our extensive AbbSchool programs.
Through these activities, students can contribute to the school community, wider community projects or groups that may require fundraising efforts, sponsorship or help in raising awareness.
Junior School
Art Club
The Art Club meets once a week for an hourly session. Individual and collaborative projects are undertaken as students explore a variety of art forms.
Chess Club
Chess Club meets on Friday afternoon to enable girls to participate in friendly games, coaching sessions and competitions. Abbotsleigh Junior School participates in the NSW Interschool Competition, held Fridays after school during Terms 2, 3 and 4.
CRU – Primary
CRU meets every Wednesday lunchtime to learn more about God. Girls enjoy learning about Jesus through the Bible talks, playing games and participating in craft activities. All girls from Years 3–6 are welcome.
da Vinci Decathlon
Girls in Years 5 and 6 interested in preparing for the Knox da Vinci Decathlon, a problem-solving competition covering multiple disciplines, held near the end of Term 2, meet once a week in Terms 1 and 2.
Girls in Year 4 may join the Year 4 friendly debating group and start developing their debating skills.
Girls in Years 5 and 6 may join one of three debating groups: the IPSHA debating competition for Year 5 girls; the ISDA competition for Year 6 girls; and the SDN competition for Year 6 girls.
Debating squad
Additionally, girls in Years 5 and 6 may build their debating skills by attending Debating Squad Training. No previous experience is needed, just a willingness to work as part of a team and to present clearly spoken arguments.
Environment Club
The Environment Club plans and implements initiatives that assist in the protection of the environment. The girls also take responsibility for tending our Kitchen Garden herbs and vegetables and these are regularly eaten at our Harvest Celebrations.
French Club
French club is for girls looking to pursue their passion for the language and culture of France. Our rendez-vous occurs once a week after school. Open to girls in Years 5 and 6.
Kids’ Lit Quiz
Kids’ Lit Quiz is for girls in Years 5 and 6 interested in preparing for an inter-school literary competition which celebrates wide reading. Tryouts are held in Term 1 for this competition, which is held annually in March.
Latin Club
Latin Club provides girls with an insight into Ancient Roman culture and language through games, music and hands-on experiences. This club is open to girls in Years 5 and 6 and meets weekly.
Maths and Science Club
The Maths and Science Club is held once a week and is run by the Mathematics and Science Specialist Teachers. Girls in Years 3–6 are invited to submit an investigation idea at the beginning of the year. They are selected on the basis of these submissions. The emphasis of the club is on hands-on investigation, rather than the gathering of information. Students then work on their investigations at school and at home for two terms.
Mini CRU – Infants
Mini CRU meets on Tuesday lunchtimes. Led by staff and Year 6 students, girls learn more about the love of God and Jesus through activities, craft and songs. All girls in K–2 are welcome.
Philosophy Club
The Philosophy Club creates a warm environment to talk about topics with a philosophical basis and to discuss opinions, facts, conflicts, philosophical differences and possible solutions.
Photography Club
Photography Club is for girls in Years 3–6 who are interested in taking photos and then editing them in different ways.
Service Group
The Service Group meets on a regular basis to ensure service projects are enacted and supported throughout the Junior School. Activities include collecting and announcing the funds raised each week to support the eight World Vision sponsored children and conducting activities to support the School’s identified service focus.
The Student Representative Council is a student-run body that gives girls in the Junior School the opportunity to be involved in the decisions directly affecting them. It provides a ‘voice’ for the students. The SRC is led by the Junior School Captain and Vice Captain with the active involvement of the House Captains, Vice Captains, Class Captains, Vice Class Captains and the SRC Representatives.
The SRC meets once a fortnight on Friday, with the alternate week being set aside for class meetings to allow issues to be raised for discussion and voting. The Class Captain and Class Vice Captain or SRC Representative run these meetings under the direction of the class teacher. Each girl is allowed to raise an issue and then speak about this issue once. This ensures an equitable allocation of time and opportunity. Once decisions have been ratified by the Council, they are brought to the Head of Junior School for discussion and possible implementation.
Throughout the terms, STEM-based activities and games will be offered to girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. These opportunities will be announced in assembly and published in The Shuttle to allow girls to sign up progressively throughout the year. Activities offered will include robotics, K’Nex construction experiences, maths games and maker education tinkering tasks.
Tempus is the student online newspaper with contributions from girls in both the Junior and Senior School. Early in the year, nominations for the editorial committee are sought from girls from Year 3 onwards who demonstrate a passion for writing and journalism. Girls meet one lunchtime each week to write their contributions.