Music Box
Music Box
10 to 28 July 2018
An exhibition from Print Circle showcasing the work of women artists dedicated to printmaking, and themed around music within life.
Artists: Lorraine Avery, Melissa Basu, Helen Best, Jean Birrell, Janet Carter, Mieke Cohen, Christina Cordero, Edith Cowlishaw, Prue Crabbe, Tanya Crothers, Barbara Davidson, Maadi Einfeld, Joanne Gwatkin- Williams, Debra Hannigan, Jill Harris, Carolyn Hunter, Carol Shaw, Judy Smith, Laura Stark, Robyn Waghorn, Anna Warren, Deborah Wilkinson, Naomi Woodlands, Ann Wu
“Both music and art appeal to us on a subliminal level. As a synthesis of the senses, the prints combine the visual with the aural, heart and hand. While some works refer to different types of music, in others, colour, contrast, movement, light and rhythm suggest the emotional depths associated with music.”
Established in 1970, the Print Circle group formed at the Workshop Arts Centre in Willoughby in Sydney. The artists aimed to encourage experimental and innovative techniques and to support and exhibit the work of women printmakers.
Members currently currently produce limited edition original prints, in various traditional media including etching, lithography, silkscreen printing, collagraph, woodcut, linocut, solarplate intaglio and digital prints. Monoprints, installations, assemblages and artists books reflect contemporary practice.
Members seek to show that printmaking is as relevant in modern society as in the past in disseminating news, views and ideas. It can be used across multi-disciplinary platforms such as education, literature, textiles, ceramics, books (artists, zines and comics), music, digital media and photography.
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