
Open Bite

Endless Answers, One Question 

Selected works by 27 members of Open Bite Printmakers, celebrating 25 years

25 January to 18 February 2017

Opening Saturday 4 February with artist Bernardhine Mueller

Artists: Rod Armstrong, Karen Ball, Helen Brancatisano, Monica Chivas, Seong Cho, Elizabeth Cowell, John Crawford, Mary Cullen, Miriam Cullen, Megan Edwards, Jan Farrell, Jutta Fuhrmans, Linda Galbraith, Sonia Gallart, Sue Hanckel, Rew Hanks, Heather Kepski, Barbara May, Terese Mcmanus, Joanne Morris, Polly Pickles, Judith Ringger, Lisa Rochfort, Annette Simpson, Yoko Tsushima, Ashley Zhurawel, Trish Yates


A quarter of a century seems like a long time.

For the artists of Open Bite Inc however, it has proved barely enough time to scratch the surface of the ideas and processes which confound, absorb and delight them. For the past twenty five years these printmakers have followed where their curiosity has led them. Their search has generated a myriad of interpretations in print media including etching, collagraph, woodblock, lithograph, screenprint, linocut and monoprint.

The group consists of 27 artists who promote, develop and create works of art within the printmaking medium. Open Bite has developed a reputation for nurturing talent, exhibiting work of exceptional quality and diversity whilst promoting a general understanding and appreciation of printmaking.

Picasso observed that “an idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought.” Similarly, no two artists have approached this year’s exhibition theme – Endless Answers, One Question – in quite the same way. They have all heard the question differently; their answers reflecting their own preoccupations and the vagaries of their chosen print techniques.

The exhibition will be opened by artist Bernardhine Mueller, former Open Bite member and passionate printmaker. The opening will include the launch of Open Bite Printmakers: Twenty five Years On, showcasing current members of this collective.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Open Bite member Karen Ball will hold a workshop for beginner and experienced printmakers on the 18th of February. Further details can be found here

The printmakers of Open Bite invite you to add your own perspective to the endless answers in the conversation between idea, image and imagination.


Image above: She put her hopes in a box (2), Mixed media collagraph, paper construction, 24 x 24 x 15 cm

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