
Our educational approach

Our learning design

Abbotsleigh’s Early Learning Centre’s policies and practices reflect the school’s core principles, including our Christian ethos, respect for oneself and others, family partnerships and community engagement.

From ELC to HSC, Abbotsleigh’s Learning Framework emphasises the importance of transferable skills that empower children to be strong, resilient learners; able to contribute to an increasingly complex, ever-changing environment. The framework is divided into the three main areas of thinking, character and connectedness, focusing on explicit teaching, learning inquiry and dispositions.

Honouring children

Our image of children, as curious, engaged investigators, active communicators, co-creators of knowledge, competent, capable, socially motivated and holder of rights, underpins our learning design. Principles and practices that honour children are incorporated into practice to create an environment that is academically accountable and respectful of all children.

The learning environment

Our teaching is enriched with contemporary, flexible learning environments, where research is embraced, experts engaged and connections are extended beyond the school. We recognise the potential of young children to question, reflect, problem solve, theorise, experiment, and express their findings. The children are invited to engage in a learning environment that values the creativity and uniqueness of each child. By providing children the opportunity to explore open ended materials much about their learning dispositions is revealed. As educators these learning dispositions are significant to having community of engaged learners.