Learning in the Junior School
'Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.’ -Albert Einstein

Learning in the Junior School
The ideal learning environment is one where girls feel safe to explore, experiment and make mistakes alongside educators who are knowledgeable, passionate and dedicated to each child’s success. In the Junior School girls connect deeply with their Class Teacher who seeks to know each child wholistically, nurture their wellbeing and ensure highly developed literacy and numeracy skills are attained. Quality instruction in HSIE, Science, PDHPE and the Creative and Performing Arts brings richness and joy for each girl.

Primary curriculum
As for all schools in NSW, we adhere to the Kindergarten to Year 6 NESA curriculum. We ensure these outcomes are quickly attained and then go beyond the curriculum to ensure learning experiences are challenging, demanding and ultimately enjoyable as success is attained for all girls.
Our Learning Framework emphasises the importance of transferable skills that prepare our girls to be strong, resilient learners. This framework cultivates the dispositions of thinking, connectedness and character that deepens learning, provides experiences that challenge, demands persistence and encourages collaboration.

Teacher expertise
Our amazing staff to student ratios allow for highly differentiated small group learning opportunities where each child is challenged and expected to make gains to be the best that she can be. Our dedicated teachers are trained in gifted education and go above and beyond to create the most authentic and stimulating learning experiences for the girls. Frequently your daughter will be in a classroom where she enjoys the attention and expertise of two educators who team teach to see optimum outcomes attained.

Leveraging digital
Technology is fully embedded to enhance educational outcomes. All girls have 1:1 access to a device with iPads used from Kindergarten to Year 1 and dedicated laptop access to every girl from Years 2 to 6. We use Canvas and Seesaw as our online learning management systems. Girls become skilled in both their capacity to learn and keep safe in an online world.
You can access more information about the subjects taught in the Junior School at the link below.